As we start seeing the return to Games and Seminars, our primary concern is the health and safety of any team and members. If FICS feels that our team’s attending games and members attending seminars, health and safety will be at all jeopardised, we will not go ahead. We would need to comply with international travel requirements, then the local requirements/protocols and finally the event requirements/protocols. It is imperative that all members abide by the local Covid19 measures which are put in place for the respective event they are attending. The local requirements are there to protect the integrity and health of the event and any member attending games or a seminar must understand and accept compliance with the covid safety requirements in place. This will not be an option and there will be no exception to the rules.
There are a large number of matters that need clarification before we can even begin to advertise the seminar and games. Thank you for your interest in this event. We are really hoping that this event happens and are sharing your excitement at this point. We are still experiencing some seminars having to be rescheduled and we are just as disappointed as you are that seminars cannot take place when they are planned. Members should ensure they make themselves aware of and understand the refund policy for seminars.
Please watch this space for updates and take care!