There are organisations offering massage courses to individuals in middle eastern countries with the belief that they will be able to receive a FICS certification on completion of the course.
This misuse of the FICS logo and brand is unethical and is used by the organisation claiming to be aligned with FICS to make a financial gain through deception. We have addressed this through communication with the organisations in question and hopefully, they will cease deceiving their course attendees.
FICS does everything it can to protect its members. Unfortunately, we cannot control the actions of unscrupulous business across the globe. Anyone attending a course where the organisers purport to be aligned with FICS or suggest that you will gain a certification that is accredited by FICS and you are not registering either through FICS or a National Chiropractic Sports Council then we suggest you do the following.
- Firstly check the FICS web site to see if the organisation is a partner or a member of FICS.
- Secondly, ask the course holder for the contact details for the FICS Regional Representative for the country you are attending the course.
If they are not a partner/member and are unable to provide these details it would indicate that they are not a FICS representative. FICS has a new logo and branding requirements. If you would like to use the FICS logo you must seek permission and register your website. If you are still unsure then use the Contact Us on the FICS web site and provide as much information as possible so we can investigate the issue.