Student Scholarships


Four scholarships are awarded annually to students in their final two years of study. 

These scholarships are brought to you in partnership with FICS, the International  Federation of Sports Chiropractic. 

FICS donation to each recipient free registration for the online learning of the International Certificate in Sports Chiropractic (ICSC) valued at CHF 2,500.00, an honorary position on a FICS commission for 12 months, and a cash prize of CHF 500.00.

By accepting this award students will play an active part in the FICS commission, by attending four virtual meetings per year, which are conducted via Zoom meeting room, contributing their ideas within meetings, following through on any tasks they agree to assist with from meetings, being open to different ways of thinking, being accessible to the commission chair and respond to emails. The cash prize is transferred to the student’s nominated bank account.

Students applying for one of the four student scholarships must be enrolled full-time at an accredited/recognised chiropractic institution, graduating in or after the year of the award.

One scholarship is awarded annually to a student in their early years of studies.

This scholarship is awarded to one student annually.  The emerging student award recognises a sports chiropractic student who has not yet reached their final two years of study. This will be open to all students enrolled full-time in a chiropractic program, not in the final two years of their studies. The recipient of this award will receive a cash component of  CHF 1,000.00, which will be transferred directly to the recipient’s educational institution to use for their tuition and learning aid purposes. The recipient will be assigned a mentor to encourage engagement with the organization and to ensure that the recipient is assisted in their sports chiropractic and leadership development.  

Students applying for the emerging student award must be enrolled full-time at an accredited/recognised chiropractic institution with two or more years left before they complete their studies.

Read more below.

Scholarship Sponsors






Students applying for consideration for one of the student scholarships must be enrolled full time at an accredited/recognised CCEI chiropractic institution, graduating in or after the year of the award.  CLICK HERE: to check CCEI accredited Chiropractic Institution

Want to know more?  Listen to the current scholarship recipients talk about their experience. 

APPLICATIONS FOR 2025 now closed

 Click on the below boxes to expand the information on each step.

Four Student Scholarships

This scholarship is awarded to students in their final two years of study.

Recipients receive registration for the FICS online learning of the International Certificate in Sports Chiropractic (ICSC) valued at CHF 2,500.00, an honorary position on a FICS commission for 12 months, and a cash prize of CHF 500.00.

By accepting this award students will play an active part in the FICS commission, by attending four virtual meetings per year, which are conducted via Zoom meeting room, contributing their ideas within meetings, following through on any tasks they agree to assist with from meetings, being open to different ways of thinking, being accessible to the commission chair and respond to emails as marketing material of them as a recipient of the award. The cash prize is transferred to the students’ nominated bank account.

Students applying for one of the four student scholarships must be enrolled full time at an accredited/recognised chiropractic institution, graduating in or after the year of the award.

One Emerging Student Scholarship

Early years of studies.

The emerging student award recognises a sports chiropractic student who has not yet reached their final two years of study. This will be open to all students enrolled full-time in a chiropractic program, not in the final two years of their studies. The recipient of this award will receive a cash component of  CHF 1,000.00, which will be transferred directly to the recipients’ educational institution to use for their tuition and learning aid purposes. The recipient will be assigned a mentor from FICS to encourage engagement with the organization and to ensure that the recipient is assisted in their sports chiropractic and leadership development.  

Students applying for the emerging student award must be enrolled full time at an accredited/recognised chiropractic institution with two or more years left before they complete their studies.

The Swiss franc (CHF) is FICS’ official currency. All registration prices will be listed in Swiss Franc (CHF). It is helpful to know that 1 CHF = approx. 1.05 USD 0.92 EUR 0.82 GBR 1.5 AUD.
Submission process

our care in the presentation of your application is taken into consideration during the judging process. If you have any questions, we encourage to reach out to FICS early via email:

Please take careful note of the closing time zone as late applications will not be accepted. For your application to be considered you need to do FIVE  things:  

Download the application form and save to your computer. 

TAKE NOTE OF WORD COUNTS: Leniency is provided for a few extra words. However, your essay should aim to stick within the range outlined).

  1. Write an essay concerning the importance of sports chiropractic services to athletes in training and competition and to the future growth of the chiropractic profession. Formatting MUST be in a word document with your name in the header on each page. (600-750-word essay).
    1. This must be your own work.
    2. It must be a well-referenced essay including a full reference list. 
      1. You should ensure that your essay contains a balance of your own opinion.
      2. Consider adding your ideas for solutions to any challenges which you are raising.
      3. Consider what the future of sports chiropractic could be for students, who are our future leaders in sports chiropractic.
  2. Write a description of personal participation in fitness and sports activities. Word Document: with your name in the header on each page. (100-200 words). Provide an overview of your personal participation in sport and how your personal participation has/will assist you in your sports chiropractic career. 
  3. Write a description of contributions to sports chiropractic at the institution and/or otherwise – e.g. participation in the student sports chiropractic council activities; volunteer services at the institution, at sporting events and otherwise; published news articles or research; any other activities promoting sports chiropractic.
    Word Document: with your name in the header on each page. (100-200 words).
  4. Include a letter from a faculty member – Must be on educational institution letterhead with the faculty member’s signature. This faculty member can be from one of your teaching sports chiropractic and/or related subjects confirming good character, academic standards and recommending awards.

Applications open at end of August/early September each year and close on October 31. Winners are announced in early December and appointed to a commission based on their skills and interests.

Judging process

The foundation engages a panel of judges from across the globe to select the winners of these prestigious scholarships. 

The panel is made up of: 

  • Foundation Chair 
  • FICS Student Commission Chair
  • Invite University Faculty member
  • Invite NCSC representative with curriculum/educational background
  • Invite sponsors representative 
  • Invited past scholarship holder who has demonstrated excellence and passion within sports chiropractic over a period of two years post scholarship. 
  • Invited independent judge  

The below rubric outlines how the scholarship application/documents are read, graded, and scored. The judging panel uses this to assist in providing the selection committee with a consistent model with minimum personal bias.

Sections are scored on a scale from one to ten based upon criteria outlined in each section. This scale represents the raw points available. The total score for the application is not necessarily revealing of the final ranking of the applicant as compared to the scores of other applications. The purpose of assigning a score is to provide an indicator so that the selection committee may consider particular circumstances and adjust the final rankings as needed.

The general ranking adopted is:

  • Inadequate (0-2 Points)
  • Adequate (3-6 Points)
  • Exceptional (7-10 Points)

Foundation admin assistance undertakes the checks on the applicant’s name and college to verify the educational institution is a member of CCEI. 

The student educational institutes must be recognized and listed as an accredited colleges on the CCEI register to be eligible for this scholarship.

Using the scholarship scoring rubrics, each Judge on the selection committee reads each application and allocates the appropriate score per section. The judges score each section individually. Once all the judges have logged their scores, the panel comes together to discuss the final results and award the scholarships. 

Examples of each section have been provided with the rubrics which the judge use to mark against. Remember all submitted work must be the student’s own work.  

Scholarship Sponsors

    For more than 30 years, volunteers from across the globe have worked tirelessly to bring this vision to life, and we have seen consistent growth in the utilization of Doctor of Chiropractic on the fields and courts of sporting venues across the world.

    Today it is more important than ever to make the naturally focused approach of sports chiropractors available and accessible to athletes with injuries, and all those who wish to improve their performance.

    The generous contribution which the FICS Sponsors make to this program helps support the students of tomorrow. By supporting student scholarships, FICS working in partnership with our sponsors are securing the future of sports chiropractic and access to sports chiropractic on the world stage. 

    Please acknowledge and support the sponsors who in turn support the students. 

    Go to the FICS sponsors page for more details on the sponsors and great sport chiropractic products they have to offer. 


    Chiro Institution Members

    Educational Institutions which have a chiropractic program are putting their support behind strengthening the efforts to grow sports chiropractic globally.

    The Foundation, FICS and the Chiropractic Educational Institutions work together to create a strong, cohesive voice for acknowledging the education and research of the profession of sports chiropractors on the global stage.  We work closely with FICS and the Educational Institutions to enhance and widen opportunities for chiropractic students. This provides both their students and faculty with further opportunities for collaboration, networking, and resources.

    All applications are welcome, and If you come from a college that is not listed below, you can still apply.

    The below colleges are registered with FICS as Associated members. Students from one of the below colleges will receive extra points during the judging process for the scholarships, giving them an extra chance of success. 

    • Canada Université du Québec á Trois-Rivières
    • France Institut Franco-Europeen de Chiropratique (IFEC)
    • USA Life University
    • USA Northwestern Health Sciences University Northwestern Health Sciences University (Student Federation of International Care Sports)
    • USA Logan University
    • USA Southern California University of Health Sciences
    • USA Palmer College of Chiropractic
    • USA Parker University
    • USA University of Western States
    • USA Northeast College (formally known as New York College of Chiropractic)
    • UK McTimony College
    • UK Anglo-European College of Chiropractic (AECC)
    • UK London South Bank University
    • UK – Welsh Institute of Chiropractic (WIOC)

    Each year scholarship applications open at the end of August and close on 31 October – 5 pm CT (Central Standard Time UTC-5). No late applications will be accepted. 

    Students are encouraged to submit their applications early.

    Once your application is received, we will acknowledge receipt within 24 business hours.  If you do not receive an email receipt, it is your responsibility to follow up. The Foundation takes no responsibility for submission which were not received.


    Q: I applied last year and was unsuccessful. Can I apply again?
    A: Yes you certainly can apply again.

    Q: Can I apply for both the emerging scholarship and the full scholarships?
    A: If you are in this unique situation where you might fit in both categories, FICS will consider your application for both.

    Q: Is there two applications, how do you know which scholarship I am applying for?
    A: There is only one application form. On the application form, we ask you for your year of graduation. This is the field that FICS use to determine which scholarship category you best fit within. If you fall on that border, we may consider your application in both the open and emerging scholarship category.

    Q: What if I come from a University that is not recognised by CCEI? Can I still apply?
    A:  NO: Students applying for consideration for one of the student scholarships must be enrolled full time at an accredited/recognised CCEI chiropractic institution, graduating in or after the year of the award.  CLICK HERE: to check CCEI accredited Chiropractic Institution

    Q: What if I miss the submission date? will you still accept my application?
    A: These scholarships open in late August, early September annually giving students two months to prepare their application. No late applications are accepted. 

    1. Download scholarship application

    1. Download this application form and save it to your computer. Please fill in electronically.


    2. Importance of sports chiropractic

    Essay Style (600 – 750 words)

    The word count is an estimate and not exact (meaning it provides leniency for a few extra words over 750. However, your essay should aim to stick within the range outlined).  Make sure you list the title of the essay in the header with your name. It is important that this is on every page. Add this to your header function in word to make this process easy.

    IMPORTANT: In preparing your submission for the judge’s, students should ensure that all essays are their own opinion. When using referencing from other papers or peoples work, students need to ensure that have been correctly paraphrased, but has more original content (i.e. your opinion), creating a balance of what would be deemed your original perspective on the importance of sports chiropractic.  Below is the judging rubrics for this section, along with an example paper.  

    Below is the Judges marking criteria provided as a  guide of what the judges are looking for and marking against: 

    • Inadequate 0-2 points – The student was unclear or there was inconclusive evidence of students understanding of sports chiropractic.
    • Adequate 3-6 points – (1-2 points for each item)
      1. The student clearly outlined their pursuit for a career in sports chiropractic 
      2. The student mentions interdisciplinary collaboration and the importance of this
      3.The student had some referencing 
    • Exceptional 7-10 points  (1 point each)
      1. The student clearly indicates their passion for working with athletes and furthering their career in Sports Chiropractic
      2. Appropriate and quality referencing is used at the end of the essay
      Demonstrates and clearly outlines a strong understanding of the importance of interdisciplinary management
      4. Outlines novel ideas and solutions for the future growth of the profession.


    Example essay. This is provided as a guide to what the judges are looking for and needs to reflect a balance of any research referenced and the submitting students own work and opinion. 

    The majority of modern research regarding the conservative management of neuromusculoskeletal injuries concludes that athletes achieve optimal outcomes when subjected to a combination of passive and active care.1,2,3,4 After five years of university training, and with the additional certification of the ICCSP, sports chiropractors are in a skilful position to deliver quality care for athletes and active individuals. 5 Furthermore, the International Olympic Committee describes that the responsibility of the sports medicine profession is to care for the health and welfare of Olympic athletes, by treating and preventing injuries through medical examinations, nutritional advice, prescribing training programs and monitoring substance abuse.6 By contributing to a multi-disciplinary team, sports chiropractors are in an adept position to contribute to this responsibility.

    Sports chiropractors can bring a multi-modal approach and utilise diverse techniques when treating athletes. Training sessions are an integral part of being an athlete, and sports chiropractors are in a suitable position to assist with warm-ups and cool downs, sport specific strength and conditioning, and the implementation of injury prevention programs. Whilst orthodox elite sporting organisations and programs have access to multi-disciplinary teams to carry out various components of an athlete’s management, minor sports with minimal funding, or local clubs funded by predominantly fundraising or player subscription, lack such expertise and guidance. In this circumstance, sports chiropractors can be greatly influential, and bear the ideal and appropriate skillset to be the chief health practitioner. By employing various techniques; including peripheral joint mobilisation/manipulation, spinal manipulative therapy, rehabilitation and exercise prescription, soft tissue techniques including instrument assisted, and other physiological therapeutic modalities such as taping and bracing, sports chiropractors can educate and facilitate injury prevention and management programs. These different techniques can be utilised not only for injury management, but additionally on game day and during competition to reduce pain, improve function and importantly assist performance. More specifically, the application of dynamic/active tape can be used to decrease load to an injured area7, performing proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation may increase range of motion8, and the mobilisation of peripheral joints with the prescription of specific exercise is known to improve joint position sense.9,10 Along with assisting athletes as a sole practitioner during training and competition, sports chiropractors are able to contribute to the management of an athlete/sports team within a multidisciplinary environment which is a crucial component for working within larger scale sporting teams.

    As more research is conducted into the effectiveness of multidisciplinary teams and interdisciplinary collaboration (IDC), it is becoming increasingly evident that optimal outcomes are produced when health professionals work intercollaboratively.11 The inclusion of sports chiropractors on multi-disciplinary teams is not only beneficial for the athlete due to reasons previously described, but for the progression and future growth of the chiropractic profession. IDC assists to uphold patient centred care rather than focus on a particular profession, and allows for the blending of professional attributes, skills, and knowledge to achieve optimal patient care, satisfaction and outcomes.12 Although IDC should be implemented across all health sectors and not only restricted to sports health, the realm of sports medicine provides an exemplary opportunity for coaches, team doctors, physiotherapists, sports chiropractors, exercise physiologists, exercise scientists, psychologists and other experienced allied health professionals to work in a multi-disciplinary environment to facilitate excellence in sporting perfomance.13 Working in a collaborative manner will ensure sports chiropractors are perceived as patient centred, evidence based practitioners who are willing to look beyond chiropractic research. Overall, IDC assists to develop a level of trust and respect from other health professions towards sports chiropractors, which may assist to shift perceptions of the current divided climate of the chiropractic profession as a whole.


    1. Sampsell E. Rehabilitation of the Spine Following Sports Injury. Clinics in Sports Medicine. 2010;29(1):127-156.
    2. Miller J, Gross A, D’Sylva J, Burnie S, Goldsmith C, Graham N et al. Manual therapy and exercise for neck pain: A systematic review. Manual Therapy. 2010;15(4):334-354.
    3. Javed M, Mustafa S, Boyle S, Scott F. Elbow pain: a guide to assessment and management in primary care. British Journal of General Practice. 2015;65(640):610-612.
    4. Stochkendahl M, Kjaer P, Hartvigsen J, Kongsted A, Aaboe J, Andersen M et al. National Clinical Guidelines for non-surgical treatment of patients with recent onset low back pain or lumbar radiculopathy. European Spine Journal. 2017;27(1):60-75.
    5. Pollard H, Hoskins W, McHardy A, Bonello R, Garbutt P, Swain M et al. Australian chiropractic sports medicine: half way there or living on a prayer?. Chiropractic & Osteopathy. 2007;15(1):14.
    6. William JM, Dustin N. Organization and multidisciplinary work in an olympic high performance center in USA. Revista Médica Clínica Las Condes. 2012; 23(3)337-342. Retrieved from:
    7. Long Z, Wang R, Han J, Waddington G, Adams R, Anson J. Optimizing ankle performance when taped: Effects of kinesiology and athletic taping on proprioception in full weight-bearing stance. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2017;20(3):236-240.
    8. Wanderley D, Lemos A, Moretti E, Barros M, Valença M, de Oliveira D. Efficacy of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation compared to other stretching modalities in range of motion gain in young healthy adults: A systematic review. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2018;:1-21.
    9. Kamali F, Sinaei E, Bahadorian S. The immediate effect of talocrural joint manipulation on functional performance of 15–40 years old athletes with chronic ankle instability: A double-blind randomized clinical trial. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2017;21(4):830-834.
    10. Vasconcelos G, Cini A, Sbruzzi G, Lima C. Effects of proprioceptive training on the incidence of ankle sprain in athletes: systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2018;:026921551878868.
    11. Mcdonald J, Cumming J, Harris M, Powell DG. Systematic Review of Comprehensive Primary Care Models. Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute. 2006. Available from: 18476 .pdf
    12. Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative. A national interprofessional competency framework. 2010. Available from: Feb1210.pdf
    13. Reid C, Stewart E, Thorne G. Multidisciplinary Sport Science Team in Elite Sport: Comprehensive Servicing or Conflict and Confusion? Sport Psychologist [Internet]. 2004;18(2):204-17.
    3. Personal participation

    (100-200 words)
    The word count is there as an estimate.  (meaning it provides leniency for a few extra words over 200. However, your essay should aim to stick within the range outlined). Make sure you list the title of the essay in the header of your document with your name.

    Below is the Judges marking criteria provided as a  guide of what the judges are looking for and marking against: 

    • Inadequate – 0-2 points – Student has not listed any physical activity
    • Adequate  – 3-6 points – The student is physically active
    • Exceptional – 7-10 points – The student is highly active and has had college or elite sports participation.
    4. Contributions to sports chiropractic

    Essay Style (100-200 words)

    A description of contributions to sports chiropractic at the college and/or otherwise – e.g. participation in the student sports chiropractic council activities; volunteer services at the college at sporting events and otherwise; published news articles or research; any other activities promoting sports chiropractic (100-200 words).

    The word count is there as an estimate and not exact. Make sure you list the title of the essay in the header with your name.  

    Below is the Judges marking criteria provided as a  guide of what the judges are looking for and marking against:

    • Inadequate 0-2 points – The student was unclear or there was inconclusive evidence of students understanding of sports chiropractic.
    • Adequate 3-6 points – (1-2 points for each item)
      1. The student clearly outlined their pursuit for a career in sports chiropractic 
      Identifies student’s intent to pursue a career in working with athletes at games and other sporting events
      3. Student is a Member of student council/NCSC
      4. Has demonstrated awareness of published research within their college
      Extra point is a member of a FICS student Club 
    • Exceptional 7-10 points  (1 point each)
      1. Clearly indicates student’s passion for working with athletes and furthering their career in Sports Chiropractic
      2. Clearly addresses how the scholarship will assist their education plan for their career
      Holds a position of responsibility in their student council, NCSC or FICS student club.
      4. Has assisted with published research or articles
    5. Faculty reference

    The reference letter is from a faculty member who teaches sports chiropractic and/ or related subjects and acknowledges the student’s character, academic performance, involvement in related research and sports chiropractic events and/ or initiatives, and ultimately recommends that the student receives the award.

    Below is the Judges marking criteria provided as a  guide of what the judges are looking for and marking against:

    • Inadequate 0-2 points – Provides few positive observations about the student and their academic ability
    • Adequate 3-6 points – (1-2 points for each item) – Provides positive observations about the student and their academic ability but does not identify specific examples of accomplishments.
    • Exceptional 7-10 points  (1 point each) – Clearly indicate positive and enthusiastic observations regarding the student and their academic ability and provide examples of those observations.

    Before you submit your application use this checklist to check you have everything.

    Submissions received in the following format receive an extra point in the judging process. 

    1. I have read all the requirements?
    2. I have my  FULL NAME on the header of EVERY page within the documents and I have PDF’s of my documents
    3. My document are in PDF format and file names CONTAIN MY NAME and start with the number of the submission criteria (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5)
      Example.  1. Mary Brown 2022 scholarship application _2 Essay Mary Brown _3. Participation Mary Brown_ 4. Essay Mary Brown_5. Faculty Reference Mary Brown.Your documents will be merged into one document once we receive them and MUST have the correct numbering so your file is merged in the correct order.
    4. If you can IN ORDER merge all your documents into one file that is preferred. 

    I am ready to send to   Double-check all the numbering is correct and you have everything together. 

    EMAIL CHECKLIST: Below is an example of how to send your application in via email. You need a subject line and something in the email body. FICS will not be opening any attachments which are sent to us without a subject line or something in the email body.

    Use the below checklist to assist you in sending in your application.

    • I have listed a subject line – Example FICS Student Scholarship
    • I have attached all my documents as PDF’s and they have my name in the document name
    • I have written a subject in the body of the text – You can write whatever you like for this section but do not leave it blank.
      Example: Dear Foundation, I am a student from (list your College). Please find attached my application for the 2022 student scholarships. Kind regards (list YOUR NAME).