The following is a great resource for any sports chiropractor. These articles enhance FICS teaching and research offerings and whilst these summaries are broad in scope we believe they are a great resource for members. LINK TO FULL ARTICLE AND REFERENCES: Sports...
International Certificate in Sports Chiropractic (ICSC) program offers an individual chiropractor the credentials required to work at FICS events worldwide. It is the minimum qualification required to be part of a FICS chiropractic delegation at regional sporting...
Have you considered one of FICS ICSC Hand on Seminars? These are designed to extend your knowledge to prepare you to work with athletes and a requirement to achieve your International Certificate in Sports Chiropractic (ICSC). The Upper and Lower Extremity Module are...
Information About the International Certificate in Sports Chiropractic (ICSC) One of FICS primary objectives is promoting excellence in postgraduate education and practice in sports chiropractic worldwide, in part through the development of postgraduate sports...
Visit the Education Page, for full details of the ICSC qualification and other educational resources. Here you will find full information about the program, resources to download, webinars, and podcasts. If you need any assistance please reach out to our admin service...
As we start seeing the return to Games and Seminars, our primary concern is the health and safety of any team and members. If FICS feels that our team’s attending games and members attending seminars, health and safety will be at all jeopardised, we will not go...
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