Ju Jitsu European Championships 2021

by | Nov 3, 2021 | Games

Maintal Germany
17-22 July 2021
FICS Team: Dr Audrey Yargui & Dr Freya Moran

Here is a summary of our 5 days of competition at Maintal. I hope this will be enough for the NL? From July 17 to 21, 2021, the European Jiu-Jitsu Championships were held, after 18 months of hiatus.The covid pandemic has forced everyone in sport to re-invent themselves, to be creative so that athletes can train and return to competitions in the best physical and mental conditions, with all possible safety. This is the challenge that the European Jiu-Jitsu Federation and the German Jiu-Jitsu Federation have successfully taken up.

Staggered twice the European championships planned in Israel, were finally maintained, in maintal, near Franckfort, Germany. An organization that has enabled 20 countries (France, Germany, Belgium, Italia, Spain, Netherland, Croatia, Serbia, Austria, Denmark, Ukraine, Russia, Montenegro, Hungaria, Israel, Swiszerland, Poland, Romania, Greece and portugal) to send their athletes to the 4 categories of jiu-jitsu:


  • Fight system
  • Duo system
  • brazilian jiu-jitsu (jjb)
  • Duo show

In view of the situation, antigen tests were carried out on everyone every day. There were fewer participants than usual and the days were reorganized by weight category and jiu-jistu.This meant for Dr Freya Moran and I (Dr Audrey Yargui) less chiropractic care at the start of the competition and more demand for the last two days, which were devoted to BJJ.

Total chiropractic cares 53. This resumption of competitions under the colors of the FICS, allowed us to reconnect with the JJIF and JJEU.We spoke with the organizers, the referees, the coaches, the athletes, on the situation and the fact that the FICS is delighted to resume service with them. Some referees, coaches, were able to benefit from their first chiropractic treatment, encouraged by their colleagues, who had already known us for a long time.

For the first time, one of the French physiotherapists requested chiropractic care. Everything happens! We were able to discuss with the local medical teams and those of different teams. It is always enriching to be able to discuss and show that we know how to work with others. I was delighted to return to service with jiu-jitsu, to see famous people again (Rolland and Uwe medical German team met in 2016 in Madrid) and to have had my colleague and friend, Dr Freya Moran as a partner.

Sincerely submitted
Dr Audrey Yargui, DC
Représentante AFC auprès de l’UNAPL
Présidente Section technique au FIFPL
Représentante Europe pour la FICS
Présidente Honoraire du Conseil français de chiropraxie du sport (CFCS)

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