TREATMENT LOG_ World Tug of War Championships Sursee, Switzerland 2023

by | Sep 21, 2023 | Games

Written by Dr Rob Scott, UK

TREATMENT LOG_ World Tug of War Championships Sursee, Switzerland 2023

Another busy, mad, hectic 4 days that saw us treat a total of 354 people – 263 patients and 91 follow up treatments. I have collated as much information as possible which I hope will be useful for research purposes. In terms of areas treated the following graph offers little surprises. Tug of War is hard on the lumbar and thoracic spine and the legs. And the majority of injuries were picked up during the competition.

The chiropractors used a number of treatment modalities and all but one patient was recommended not to return to play. Due to the non-contact nature of the sport, few injuries demand removal from play as far as we are concerned.

Countries treated can depend upon which teams have medical support but it was interesting to see Switzerland and the Netherlands start to make more use of us. The good news is spreading.

We recorded pre and post pain scores and I am pleased to report everyone improved!

On average, this represents a 69% improvement after one treatment.

I would like to thank TWIF for looking after us again. They always give us a good welcome and are very grateful for what we do.

This year saw a change in the layout of the field which put us squarely in the centre of things and was an ideal placement for us. I know the change caused consternation amongst some but I would like to say that I thought it was much better having all the teams in one place so they could all see us!

A closing thought about the data collection forms; I made a decision not to use the online data collection forms as Wi-Fi and electricity were not readily available.

But there is also an issue about the satisfaction questions at the bottom;

  • When you are busy it is too much to try and get someone who does not have English as their mother tongue to understand the questions.
  • The first question is just another way of asking for the pre and post VAS scores and is unnecessary.
  • The scale on the VAS pain scale goes from good to bad reading left to right but the questions go from bad to good reading left to right – I feel this is confusing. Enough people can’t get the VAS scoring right never mind having to swop directions after having  grasped the general idea.
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