IKF 12th World Korfball Championship 2023 in Taipei

by | Dec 1, 2023 | Games

Written by Dr. Jackie Hung-Chun HUANG 

I am the President of the Taiwan Chiropractic Doctors and an avid sports chiropractor. My journey has been nothing short of exhilarating! Having immersed myself in countless international sports events, delivering sports chiropractic care to athletes, and championing the cause of FICS sports chiropractic has been the heartbeat of my passion.

My experiences span across prestigious competitions, including The World Games in 2009 and 2013, where I proudly represented FICS, standing alongside elite sports chiropractors. Witnessing athletes reach their peak performance naturally has been an indescribable joy for me. Aligned with the mission and vision of FICS, my passion lies in ensuring every athlete worldwide has access to the benefits of sports chiropractic.

At the International Korfball Federation (IKF) World Korfball Championship 2023 in Taipei, the FICS team working with me was the incredible Dr. Sunshine Lau Siew Qin from Malaysia and Dr. Judy Ya-Ting HSU from Taiwan. I had the honour of leading this team alongside Dr Lau Siew Qin.

Dr. Sunshine Lau was also part of the FICS event, at the Ju-jitsu Thailand Open Grand Prix 2023 in May, so she was excited to have another chance to serve international athletes at the top of their field. The dedication of the whole FICS team was unparalleled as we each poured our hearts into providing exceptional sports chiropractic care for athletes. Through their relentless efforts, not only did the Taiwanese public gain a deeper understanding of FICS sports chiropractic, but athletes from around the globe also became enlightened.

The ripple effect extended to the Chinese Taipei Korfball Association and the Taiwanese public, who now stand more informed about the transformative impact of FICS sports chiropractic. The seeds of collaboration have been sown, and we passionately believe that this alliance will continue to flourish in the promising future ahead.

Cheers to the power of teamwork, dedication, and the boundless potential of FICS sports chiropractic!

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