Grand Prix, Paris Open, 22-23 April 2023, Paris, France

Grand Prix, Paris Open, 22-23 April 2023, Paris, France

Written by Audrey Yatgui, April 2023 Games Report Doctors Audrey Yargui, Chef de Mission, Aouregan Logé, Rolland Claes and Frazer Oakman – Grand Prix, Paris Open, 22-23 April 2023, Paris, France The Paris Open Jiu-Jitsu tournament is an annual event that takes place...
Tug of War Games Report – March 2023

Tug of War Games Report – March 2023

      Written by Rob Scott-23 March 2023 Games Report Doctors Rob Scott, Chef de Mission Match Report – Tug of War World Indoor Championships, 8-11 March 2023, Parkgate, Northern Ireland TWIF, once again, laid on a well-organised, smooth-running...
2023 Tug of War

2023 Tug of War

        Written by Renita Rasmann Doctors Rob Scott, Chef de Mission and Renita Rasmann – Tug of War World Indoor Championships, 8-11 March 2023, Parkgate, Northern Ireland Tug of War Indoor World Championships was my first event through...
Press Release _IWGA CEO TWG25 China

Press Release _IWGA CEO TWG25 China

Press Release 20230130_IWGA CEO Interview of the Month The World Games is a multi-sport event staged every four years by the International World Games Association, organised with the support of the International Olympic Committee. The World Games 2022 was held in...
2022 JJIF World Champs in Abu Dhabi

2022 JJIF World Champs in Abu Dhabi

Written by Audrey Yargui, DC, ICSC, Présidente AFC, Représentante AFC auprès de l’UNAPL, Présidente Section technique au FIFPL, Représentante Europe pour la FICS, Présidente Honoraire du Conseil français de chiropraxie du sport (CFCS) Doctors Audrey Yargui,...