The principal investigator for this research is Dr. Melissa Belchos. This grant funds her thesis project for the Sports Sciences Residency Program at Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. Her co-investigators are Drs. Alex Lee, Stephen M. Perle, Katie de Luca, and Silvano Mior. Dr. Lee is the Chair of the Research and Education Commission of the Royal College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences (Canada) and a member of the FICS Research Commission. Dr. Perle is the Chair of the FICS Research Commission, the North American Representative on the FICS Executive Council and Professor of Clinical Sciences at the University of Bridgeport School of Chiropractic. Dr. de Luca is a post-doctoral research fellow at Macquarie University in the Department of Chiropractic and a twice FICS Research Award winner. Dr. Mior is a Professor and the Director, Research Partnerships and Health Policy at CMCC.
The purpose of this study is to determine consensus on research priorities to create a global sports chiropractic research agenda. This will be done using a Delphi study design, a systematic method to integrate expert opinions to determine consensus on sports chiropractic research priorities. Clinicians, academics and leaders from the sports chiropractic field will be recruited internationally. Current chiropractic research agendas have not included sports-specific research directives which this study will develop.