Contact Details

Select name of your NCSCUK - Royal College of Chiropractors’ Sports Faculty (RCCSF)
CountryUnited Kingdom
Date of Report04/09/2023
Name of your NCSC President:Meriel Davis
No. of members110
Quarterly period3rd Quarter: July-Sept
Best email for youEmail hidden; Javascript is required.

Part I: Your NCSC Activities

Name person submitting reportMeriel Davis
Your position in your NCSCFaculty Chair
Date of annual meeting25/01/2023
1. ACTIVITY: Summary of activity within your NCSC over the last quarter. If there has not been much activity in the last quarter, you may consider including any projects you are working on, issues your NCSC is facing, discussions or growth with which you may like support.

Attendance and taking part in the Paris general assembly, strategic meet-up and symposium
Organising speakers for webinars for post graduate members
Speaking to final year students and new grads via webinar
Liaising with students and members going through their ICSC, and graduation from licentiate to member to fellow of the RCCSF
Liaising with association heads, institution course leads
compiling a quarterly newsletter keeping all membership up to date
developing more social media links with FICS

CHALLENGES: List any challenges which your NCSC are facing, or your Executives are working to solve. (List N/A if none at this stage)

Student clubs - lack of communication between the institutions and their respective FICS clubs
establishing better communication between the RCCSF and student clubs across the country

Part II: Areas where FICS and your NCSC could collaborate

COLLABORATION: College/Educational Institution with which you have / or are developing relationships with. (If applicable)

Developing collaboration with WIOC
It would seem the AECC have an established student sports chiropractic body

COLLABORATION: List any major events/conferences which you have coming up and a event link so FICS can co-promote. (If applicable)

ICSC Upper limb module in Oxford in October

FOLLOW-UP: Please select any followup you are interested in. FICS will get the respective Commission Chair or your Regional Rep to contact you. (If applicable)Students: Information on student benefits for our NCSC