Dr Steven Smilkstein South Africa

Dr. Steven Smilkstein


I am a passionate all round sports fan who has a hunger for helping sports athletes perform at their best. I work with many South African athletes in specific disciplines in track and field and also field sports such as Rugby, Soccer and cricket at club level. I play and work with many of the top squash players internationally and locally. I was involved as medical support for the local Mixed Martial Arts under the brands of Fight Star and EFC Africa, and international boxing, dealing with my local academy Tapout Academy under coach Gert Strydom.

My love for sport and giving the athletes a chance to give their best at what they love drives me to my passion in biomechanics.

I was a lecturer for the subject of Clinical Biomechanics since 2013 at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) in the Masters level program of chiropractic (5th year). Educating and promoting performance and athletic management to my students.

My love for sport and healthcare has taken me around the world. Most recently I was able to attend theGA as a South African chiropractor for FICS where I met and learned from many amazing international chiropractors. It has made a friendship and bond with a family I never knew I had.

I wish all of you the best in your adventure as a sports chiropractor and I hope me passing my knowledge on helps grow this amazing profession.