Dr Brian Nook
FICS Secretary-General
E‐mail: secgen@ficsport.org
I am currently the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at Palmer College of Chiropractic West (PCCW) in San Jose, California. and Secretary-General for FICS. I am responsible for the curriculum at PCCW, faculty, staff and students, and I teach the Chiropractic Courses. I was the project manager for PCCW curriculum mapping project.
I was the past Dean/Head of College at the Australian College of Physical Education at Sydney Olympic Park from 2013-2016. I was responsible for all management and strategic direction for the College. I managed a AU$15M budget and over 50 academic and administration staff and implemented a College restructure to align academic and operational efficiencies. I lead the team to organise a College wide curriculum review with implementation of a generic degree structure that provide flexibility for student progression and delivery. I initiated a workload management system that provide a clear, transparent and equitable system to plan and monitor academic workload inclusive of teaching, research and scholarship and service to the College, Community and Profession. We secured a new location for the College and managed the AU$10M building and fitout of facilities on Sydney Olympic Park. During this time we have received reaccreditation of the College from the accrediting body of TEQSA, added five new degrees including a Bachelor of Health Science and reaccredited 2 existing degrees.
I was the School Dean for Chiropractic and Sports Sciences at Murdoch University for 6 years and Associate Professor at Murdoch University for 10 years. I managed and directed the Chiropractic program and added programs in sports science and exercise physiology and renamed to the School of Chiropractic and Sports Science with a $8.3 Million annual budget 27 academics and support staff. Part of the founding team with no specific or dedicated facilities or staff. I was responsible for regulations, policies, academic planning and governance, skills in dealing with a highly multidisciplinary role, which incorporates financial and human resource management and procedural management dimensions, management of staff, space management and managing the physical relocation of staff, risk management, academic governance, enterprise bargaining agreements – academic and general staff, AUQA, TEQSA, National standards, accreditation. I attracted and employed all current academic and administration staff at the School. I was responsible for funding through the Co-Author for internal funding of Stage II of Club Rooms for Murdoch Sports Fields: Total Funding $1.8 Million in 2012; Co-Authored internal funding for expansion of the Murdoch University Chiropractic Clinic and Research Facility: Total Funding $250,000 in 2012. Author for Health Workforce Australia through Western Australia Department of Health for grant funding for equipment to support Immersive and Simulated Learning: Total Funding $350,000 in 2011; Co-Author for Teaching and Learning Capital Fund Higher Education (LTC(HE)) for development of new Sports Science Laboratories: Total Funding $4 Million in 2010; Co-Authored for internal funding for new Diagnostic, Radiology and Anatomy Facilities: Total Funding $3.1 Million. 2007; Co-Authored Business case for internal funding of new Chiropractic Clinic. Total funding $3.3 Million in 2006; Co-Authored internal funding for development of new Chiropractic Technique Laboratory: Total Funding $450,000 in 2005.
I graduated from Northwestern College of Chiropractic (MN, USA) in 1983 and worked at the school teaching chiropractic technique and completing research until 1985. I then moved to Schaller, Iowa with my wife, Dr. Deb Nook who had just graduated from University of Minnesota Veterinary School. We established active practices in the area. I ran a busy practiced in Schaller and the community of Holstein until 1996 when I took leave to teach at the Technikon Natal Department of Chiropractic in Durban, South Africa. After three years, we returned to Iowa to continue in our practices.
I am a Diplomat in Sports Chiropractic and have been team physicians at many local, national, and international sporting events. I served as a team chiropractor at 4 Olympic Games (Barcelona, Atlanta, Sydney and Salt Lake City, 3 All African Games and 4 International World Games. I was the founding and Chair of the University Friendly Elite Athlete program at Murdoch University.
I have a strong interest in the manipulative skills needed to practice chiropractic, not only in the application to the spine, but to all joints of the body especially the extremities. Developing this skill in students is an exciting challenge. I look forward to the awe of the students, the eagerness to learn, their appreciation of the unknown, the mastering of difficult skills, and the realization that the patient and the care they receive is the peak of professionalism.
Teaching area
I teach in areas related to Chiropractic and Sport. I unit coordinated CHI109 Chiropractic Skills and Principles I, CHI210 Chiropractic History and Principles, CHI309 Skills and Principles II and I am involved in teaching in other units across our programs at Murdoch University. I also teach in post graduate and continuing education programs on topics concerning Chiropractic, manual skills, skills development, and sports chiropractic. I am currently teaching Chiropractic Philosophy & Practice II, Clinical Chiropractic Evaluation and Geriatrics at Palmer College of Chiropractic West. I am active faculty for FICS and their education programs.
Chiropractic Practice
I was in private practice in my two clinics at Schaller and Holstein Iowa USA May 1985- June 2003. I was the associate from 1999 to 2003 after I sold my practices. I was the Team Doctor for various sports at local High Schools. Worked with teams consisting of 20-65 high school students team management, including integration with sports coaching, and working with high school students and their parents. During my time in Perth Australia working at Murdoch University I was in private practice as Independent contractor for Safety Bay Chiropractic in Rockingham, Western Australia.
Research areas
I have research interest in joint cavitation, motion palpation and diagnostic techniques, clinical outcomes, and sports chiropractic.
Current projects
Currently developing strategies and expanding facilities for teaching, consulting and research in Chiropractic, Exercise Physiology, and Sport Science. I have been active in developing new laboratories and sports facilities across the campus. We are actively developing networks and collaborations for our Academics with various sport codes and Health providers.
Awards and Grants
Research Grants
$78,000 Generated for research projects on simulated learning in the health workforce, effects of estrogen on intervertebral disc degeneration and musculoskeletal conditions in Western Australian cricketers.
Non-Research Grants
Project lead for $15 Million move and refit to new location of ACPE in Sydney Olympic Park that included refit to building, design and implementation of new classrooms, labs, gym, courts, dance halls, library and student staff space 2016.
$13.225 Million Generated through multiple authored and co-authored submissions towards university capital expansion investment Western Australia Immersive and Simulated learning equipment, Teaching and Learning capital funding Higher Education for new university sports science laboratories, chiropractic clinic and technique laboratories.
I have been very fortunate to be the recipient of various awards and honours relating to service, dedication and expertise in chiropractic and sport nationally and internationally. Please refer to my CV for a complete list.
Conference Papers and Presentations:
I have been invited to many national and international conferences and symposiums to present papers relating to chiropractic, education and sport. Presentations have included state, national, and international chiropractic associations conferences. For a complete list, please refer to my CV.
Professional and community service
Volunteer and an appointment onto various professional and community boards and committees have provided an opportunity for me to contribute to the advancement of education, our chiropractic profession and sports chiropractic. I have served in general membership, board, chair, chairman and presidents to various organizations.
Masters and Honours supervisions
- 2006 – 2012 Tim Stark, Murdoch University, Western Australia
- 1997 – 2000 Linda Schiller, Technikon Natal, South Africa
- 1997 – 2000 Denise Coetzer, Technikon Natal, South Africa
- 1997 – 2000 Cathy Mercer, Technikon Natal, South Africa
- 2005 Eugene Woo, Murdoch University, Western Australia
Journals Publications
- Nook, D., Nook, E., Nook, B, Chiropractic care at the 2013 The World Games: Patient demographics, treatment characteristics, and changes in perceived pain, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Nov-Dec 2016.
- Nook, D., Nook, B., (2011), A report of the 2009 world games injury surveillance of individuals who voluntarily used the international federation of sports chiropractic delegation, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 34, 1, pages 54 – 61.
- Lakhani, E., Nook, B., Haas, m., Docrat, A., (2009), Motion Palpation Used as a Post-manipulation Assessment Tool for Monitoring End-Feel Improvement: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Test Responsiveness, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 32, 7, pages 549 – 555.
- Ebrall, Phillip; Eaton, Sharyn; Hinck, Glori; Kelly, Brian; Nook, Brian; Pennacchio, Valerie. Chiropractic Education: Towards Best Practice in Four Areas of the Curriculum, Chiropractic Journal of Australia, Volume 39 Issue 3 (Sep 2009)
- Schiller, L., Nook, B., (2001), The effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy in the treatment of mechanical thoracic spine pain: A randomized clinical trial., Journal of the Neuromusculoskeletal System, 24, 6, pages -.
- Hinck G, Rich J, Halbert J, Brahee D, Doty J, Nook BC. Athletic Pre-participation physical exams: the promise of screening for adolescent eating disorders. J Sports Chiro Rehab 2000; 14(1):3-9.
- Coetzer D, Nook BC. Controlled clinical trial comparing manipulation to piroxicam for the treatment of acute grade 1and 2 inversion ankle sprains. JNMS 2001; 9(1). Nook BC, Nook DD. Demographics of athletes and support personnel who used chiropractic physicians at the 6th All African Games. J Sports Chiro Rehab 1997;11(4): 136-139.
- Nook BC. Rehabilitation of the ACL Deficient Knee. Sports Talk; Aug. 1994.
- Nook BC. Rehabilitation of the ACL Deficient Knee. Iowa Chiropractic Society Journal. July, 1994; Aug. 1994.
- Nook BC. When to Refer an ACL Deficient Knee. Sports Talk; Aug. 1994.
- Nook BC. When to Refer an ACL Deficient Knee. Iowa Chiropractic Society Journal. July, 1994.
- Nook BC. Moreau, W. J.: Concussion in High School Football; Rulings. Sports Talk; Aug. 1994.
- Moreau WJ, Nook BC. Concussion in High School Football: Rulings, Sideline Evaluation and Return Criteria. J. Chiro Sport Med 1991; 5 (4): 98-103.
- Rowe LJ, Nook BC. Avascular Necrosis and Complication to Previous Slipped Femoral Capital Epiphysis. ACA J Chiro 1985; 22 (5): 63-68.
Nook BC. Upper Extremity Dyskinesis: A Case Report. J