Contact Details

Select name of your NCSCSports Chiropractic New Zealand
CountryNew Zealand
Date of Report14/08/2023
Name of your NCSC President:Haresh Patel
No. of members20
Quarterly period3rd Quarter: July-Sept
Best email for youEmail hidden; Javascript is required.

Part I: Your NCSC Activities

Name person submitting reportHaresh Patel
Your position in your NCSCPresident
1. ACTIVITY: Summary of activity within your NCSC over the last quarter. If there has not been much activity in the last quarter, you may consider including any projects you are working on, issues your NCSC is facing, discussions or growth with which you may like support.

As the newly appointed SCNZ president, our team has been busy in laying the groundwork for the future of the sports chiropractic group in New Zealand. Excitingly, we are planning to introduce a new initiative that will allow non-members to join our community. By implementing these changes and fostering a more inclusive approach, we aiming for a dynamic future for SCNZ. Also we have listed a few exciting updates too below.

The introduction of new categories for Sports Chiropractic New Zealand (SCNZ) membership aims to provide a structured recognition system for both new and experienced sports chiropractors in New Zealand. The various membership levels, thee include Student Member (sSCNZ), General Member (MSCNZ), Certified Member (CSCNZ), Distinguished Member (DSCNZ) and Honorary Member (HSCNZ). This offers clear pathways for chiropractors to progress in their sports-related careers. By establishing specific requirements, such as clinical experience, sports qualifications, and research involvement, the SCNZ aims to ensure that members possess the necessary expertise and skills to effectively contribute to the field of sports chiropractic. Furthermore, the inclusion of experience with sports teams or athletes emphasizes the practical application of their knowledge in a sports context. This recognition system not only acknowledges the dedication and accomplishments of experienced practitioners but also encourages and supports aspiring sports chiropractors in their professional development journey.

Exciting opportunities lie ahead as we anticipate a series of new webinars that will be graced by renowned specialists and experts in their respective fields. These webinars promise to delve into cutting-edge topics, including musculoskeletal medicine, concussion management, sports physiotherapy, Sports inter-professionalism and high-performance management. We can look forward to gaining valuable insights and knowledge from these distinguished individuals, whose expertise and experience are well-regarded within the sports and healthcare industries.

CHALLENGES: List any challenges which your NCSC are facing, or your Executives are working to solve. (List N/A if none at this stage)


Part II: Areas where FICS and your NCSC could collaborate

FOLLOW-UP: Please select any followup you are interested in. FICS will get the respective Commission Chair or your Regional Rep to contact you. (If applicable)Regional Rep