Contact Details

Select name of your NCSCSpain - Asociación Española de Quiropráctica Deportiva AEQd
Date of Report01/08/2023
Name of your NCSC President:Ryan Cevola
No. of members14
Quarterly period2nd Quarter: April-June
Best email for youEmail hidden; Javascript is required.

Part I: Your NCSC Activities

Name person submitting reportRyan Cevola
Your position in your NCSCPresident
1. ACTIVITY: Summary of activity within your NCSC over the last quarter. If there has not been much activity in the last quarter, you may consider including any projects you are working on, issues your NCSC is facing, discussions or growth with which you may like support.

Primary goal is to increase enrollment. Talked with the presidents of the chiro schools to go give a presentation.

CHALLENGES: List any challenges which your NCSC are facing, or your Executives are working to solve. (List N/A if none at this stage)

I brought these topics up at the last meeting in Paris. The issue my students are having is completing the online courses. There is a time limit to the quizzes and exams and its to short. English is a second language and they require more time to read and comprehend the question. A few have failed because of that. Also the 3 limit of failing and then your account becomes blocked is not good. Then you have to send an embarrassing email to Trish explaining why you failed 3 times in a row and to ask her to reset it for you. I say remove the time limit or double it and to remove the 3 times you fail and account blocked.

Part II: Areas where FICS and your NCSC could collaborate

COLLABORATION: College/Educational Institution with which you have / or are developing relationships with. (If applicable)

Both the Madrid schools. Im working on the barcelona school but their president is a little difficult. Would be awesome to have a FICS club at each school.

FOLLOW-UP: Please select any followup you are interested in. FICS will get the respective Commission Chair or your Regional Rep to contact you. (If applicable)Education: Interesting in hosting an ICSC Seminar