Contact Details

Select name of your NCSCMexico - Federacion Mexicana de Quiropractica Deportiva
Date of Report06/03/2023
Name of your NCSC President:Jorge Segall
No. of members56
Quarterly period1st Quarter: Jan-March
Best email for youEmail hidden; Javascript is required.

Part I: Your NCSC Activities

Name person submitting reportJorge Segall
Your position in your NCSCPresident
Date of annual meeting26/02/2023
1. ACTIVITY: Summary of activity within your NCSC over the last quarter. If there has not been much activity in the last quarter, you may consider including any projects you are working on, issues your NCSC is facing, discussions or growth with which you may like support.

This last quarter of 2022 we had the “100 years of chiropractic in mexico” Congress and the FMQD was an integral part of the organization and development, on the event Mercedes’ D’Acosta was recognized for being representing the president of FICS and she gave some wonderful words.
To start this 2023 we had our first anual asaambly And we have 56 members for this year on the assembly
We had elections for the new board 2023 -2027 and it was approved by the members
After the assembly we had our first seminar of the year

Also we are in conversations with different federations and associations to start working together with different athletes in different disciplines

CHALLENGES: List any challenges which your NCSC are facing, or your Executives are working to solve. (List N/A if none at this stage)

We want and need More sports events to attend

Part II: Areas where FICS and your NCSC could collaborate

EVENTS/GAMES: Any contacts you have with International Sporting Federations. Do you need any help from FICS to organise contact with holders of regional/international games? (If applicable)

We would love to send more doctors to work on international games

COLLABORATION: List any major events/conferences which you have coming up and a event link so FICS can co-promote. (If applicable)

We will have this soon

FOLLOW-UP: Please select any followup you are interested in. FICS will get the respective Commission Chair or your Regional Rep to contact you. (If applicable)Membership: Members benefits