Elections take place at the bi-annually General Assembly

How do I get elected to the FICS Executive Council?



Eligibility - Chapter III, Article 8.2.1

To be eligible to serve on the ExCo as a regional representative, a candidate must be a member in good standing of an NCSC ordinary member.

The following are the recommended criteria for selecting a candidate:

  1. The candidate has served as a member of FICS EMT for at least one (1) year;
  2. The candidate has served as a FICS Commission Chair or member for at least two (2) years; or
  3. The candidate has served as an active member of their NCSC.

The corresponding region shall elect their representative and an alternate before the General Assembly.

The selection of the representative is the responsibility of the NCSC, which may choose their representative in accordance with the NCSC’s own internal procedures.

FICS Executive Council Regions - Chapter III Article 8.1.1

In accordance with the FICS Statutes, at the Members General Assembly, every two years, the National Chiropractic Sports Councils (NCSC) elect candidates to represent the interest of their region on the FICS Executive Council.

Candidates standing for election are put forward by their regional NCSC’s and are presented to the region NCSC Presidents at a forum held 6 months before the Members General Assembly.

Chapter III Article 8.1.1 of the FICS Statutes.

The ExCo shall be comprised of ten (10) representatives of NCSC ordinary members in good standing elected by and representing world regions as follows:
.    Africa                               one (1)

.    Asia                                 one (1)

.   Eastern Mediterranean  one (1)

.   Europe                           three (3)

.   Latin America                 one (1)

.   North America               two (2)

.   Pacific                              one (1)

The representing NCSC ordinary members and regions may be extended depending on the needs of FICS via a General Assembly or Extraordinary General Assembly in accordance with Chapter III, Article 7 (clause 7.4 & clause 7.6)



Nomination Process

The individual councils, which make up a region, will send out a call for expression of interest or nominate a representative to be appointed to represent the region on the FICS Executive Council. The appointment of this person is for a four-year term and will act as the liaison between FICS and the region.

Contact your local NCSC if you are interested to find out more. 

Election Process - How does it work?

If a region reaches out to FICS to assist with the nomination of a suitable candidate, FICS will advertise to all members within that region any upcoming elections at the start of any election year.  Interested candidates are encouraged to approach their NCSC to discuss endorsing their nomination.

An endorsed application will be considered more competitive by the NCSC Presidents within the region which you wish to support. Nominations are submitted to FICS admin along with a letter of support.

Application Process. 

  1. If any region has any last-minute nominations, you have just under two weeks to have them submitted to FICS admin before the advertised close of nominations. No later applications are considered.
  2. If a region only has one nomination:   These candidates will be accepted as the nominated regional rep if no objections are lodged about the candidate’s suitability or no new candidates are submitted. If an NCSC objects to or has concerns about a candidate’s suitability, they will be asked to lodge an official email from their NCSC president outlining the reason for the objection and as much detail as possible to allow the FICS nominating committee the opportunity to validate your concern.
  3. More than one candidate for the same region. 
    1. FICS will oversee an official online voting system for the region NCSC presidents to vote for their preferred candidate to be put forward for that region.
    2. Only the region NCSC presidents will be able to vote for their preferred rep.
    3. This ballot will open on the nominated date providing NCSC’s two weeks to cast their vote for their preferred representative.

On or before the nominated date all candidates for the regional rep positions are to be finalised.

  1. FICS will notify all candidates of the result
  2. Results sent to the NCSC presidents
  3. The outgoing FICS Regional Rep will organise a meeting with the incoming candidate to discuss the position and provide a handover.
  4. FICS will invite successful candidates to attend the FIC ExCo meeting as an observer.
  5. All candidates are to be ratified at the Members General Assembly.