FICS E-News Archive

Share your stories and inspire others

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Let us help you share your story.

This magazine is circulated to members and sports chiropractors within the international community across 26 countries.   The organisation prides itself on bringing the most up to date industry news from all around the world and offers an opportunity for National Chiropractic Sports Councils to share good news stories from their members, which widens the reach and engagement of the FICS E-News. 

FICS Quarterly E-News - Your Stories

Share your Stories: 26 countries - 5 regions - 4,702 organic followers, 2.8K reach. 

Due to FICS’ highly defined demographic, FICS Facebook sees above-average engagement and is averaging a CTR of 7.5% on regular postings and 8.35% on E-news. Let us tell your story and inspire others working in the profession. 

Keep up-to-date with all the latest news, highlights, and achievements of FICS and its members in the sports community around the world.  

FICS E-News Magazine is published once a quarter.  The organisation prides itself on bringing the most up to date industry news from all around the world and offers an opportunity for National Council Sports Chiropractic (NCSC) to share good news stories from their members, which widens the reach and engagement of the FICS E-News. Send us your stories: FICS invite anyone to submit their story and high-resolution images of sports chiropractic in your country. All material and artwork MUST be submitted in the format outlined in the requirements of the specification. This is to ensure the quality of your artwork.  All images should be sent in jpeg High Resolution; a minimum of 8.6 MB file size is required to maintain image quality or something that is at least 300 DPI.

Contact Details : FICS Administration Contact details:
Télephone. +61 417 324 384

Did you miss an edition? Click here for all the FICS E-News Editions


    E-News Advertising Guidelines
    Sponsors and partners are invited to advertise in our Newsletter as opportunities are available for full, half and quarter-page ads. The FICS E-News is distributed via a mailing list of subscribers, and through the FICS Facebook site extending the reach to a potential 4,702 individuals which is an organic reach.

    The E-News recording a solid 9.35% click-through/download rate from this organic reach and has an extended reach with an average of 18 shares to the wider sports chiropractic community.  The average industry standard click-through rate (CTR) for Facebook ranges from 0.5% to 1.6%. Where you have a targeted audience, 2% is considered to be a strong CTR. Due to FICS’ highly defined demographic, FICS Facebook sees above-average engagement and is averaging a CTR of 7.5% on regular postings and 8.35% on E-news.  All photos which you submit for E-News articles must have the appropriate permission to share.

    Full page - Size: Your ad needs to fit a page that is 21 cm wide x 29.7 cm high (A4 size), and styled to be displayed vertically (portrait). The equivalent in pixels is 2480 wide x 3508 high.

    Half-page - Size: Your ad needs to be rectangular to fit a space of 21 cm wide x 14.85 cm high (half an A4 page), and styled to be read horizontally (in landscape). The equivalent in pixels is 2480 wide x 1754 high.

    Quarter page - Size:  Your ad needs to fit a space of 5.25 cm wide x 7.42 cm high, and be styled to be read vertically (portrait). The equivalent in pixels is 620 wide x 876 high.

    Logo - Background: Preferably your logo will be saved with a transparent background, but if this is not possible please make sure it is set against a background that is white. Size: We are happy to accommodate logos in a variety of sizes, whether it be horizontal, vertical, or square. However horizontal logos work best with our magazine layout and design.

    The FICS E-News is published quarterly on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 22. FICS sponsors are entitled to advertising placement in each issue based on the level of sponsorships purchased.   Additional placement or advertisement can be negotiated with the as an extension to your sponsorship package.

    If you do not currently hold a sponsorship package with FICS, the following prices are offered as standalone opportunities for advertising placement.  Payment methods offered are via the FICS secure credit card portal or wire transfer. All details of payment methods are listed on the FICS invoice.

    Invoice: Please contact to confirm your advertising placement and for an invoice to be generated.


    USD 100 – Logo Placement

    USD 250  - Quarter Page

    USD 500 – Half Page

    USD 750 – Full Page

    USD 1,250 – Edition naming rights

    20% discount for second and subsequent insertions.

    Submission deadline

    March issue – March 5

    June issue – June 5

    September issue – September 5

    December issue – December 4


    E-News Submit an Educational Article

    The purpose of these guidelines is to provide sponsors with guidance in relation to the selection, development, and submission of an educational article to be listed in the FICS E-News. The goal of the FICS Education Commission is to provide superior education to sports chiropractors globally and connect our member base with sponsors and products which support athletes to enhance their performance naturally.

    All material and artwork MUST be submitted in the format outlined in the specification’s requirements. This is to ensure the quality of your artwork.  Sponsors who submit an educational article take full responsibility to ensure the material presented to FICS is not misleading or infringes on any copyright laws.

    The articles need to be evidence-based and published in a peer-review journal, preferably within the last 5 years. Sponsors should ensure a balanced and purposeful assessment and provide appropriate referencing for any fact-based assessment, or claims made in the article. Any data presented must be backed with evidence to support the claim. It can be either quantitative or qualitative depending on the question and/or testing methods used. Data notes should contain the appropriate referencing, directly supporting the use of your product. 

    Articles will be reviewed by the Education Commission Global Review team before publication.

    Format: Word format

    Size: Your article needs to fit a page that is 21 cm wide x 29.7 cm high (A4 size), and styled to be displayed vertically (portrait). The equivalent in pixels is 2480 wide x 3508 high. You can leave any images in your file at the correct placement so we can ensure it is placed correctly. We are happy to accommodate logos in a variety of sizes, whether it be horizontal, vertical, or square. However horizontal logos work best with our magazine layout and design. 

    Image: The image should be sent as a separate file as a High Resolution; a minimum of 8.6 MB file size is required to maintain image quality or something that is at least 300 DPI.  

    Your company Logo:  Sent as a Jpeg or png image.

    Background: Preferably your logo will be saved with a transparent background, but if this is not possible please make sure it is set against a background that is white.Â