24SouthAfricalUpper-Lower Seminar
CHF 100.00
The FICS Credit Card Portal use Swiss Franc (CHF) via Stripe.
If you would like to view the exchange rate of the day for the currency of your Credit Card, you can use https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/ for a fast and easy conversion.
Please be aware that your credit card will have its own fees attached. This conversion is only a guide.
This registration link is for participants to connect to online theory learning.
If you have registered with ChiroSport for the Upper and Lower Extremity Seminar, you need to use this link to gain access to online learning which we would like you to complete before the face-to-face seminar.
Please use the coupon you have been given to get this side of the learning for FREE. PLEASE register for this learning IMMEDIATELY.
The theory part of this seminar will be done online and will take approximately 10 hours for each module (20 HOURS TOTAL). Each module theory contains five (5) two-hour modules, followed by a short five (5) question section quiz.
The theory CLASSES to which THIS LINK will connect you to can be found in your FICS course dashboard and must be completed before the live Face-to-face session.
The practicum sessions are 100% hands-on; therefore, it is compulsory to complete the theory before attending this workshop.